Collector's Guide

You can be a collector by minting a limited pixel NFT edition via Dixel Club. Explore cool pixel art collections and join the minting by changing the colour traits of genesis editions. Unlike the random minting of typical NFTs, you can get the pixel NFT with your own colour preference. Let's learn how to mint an edition on Dixel Club.

1. Connect wallet

2. Change colours for your preference

On the collection page, you can see the minting interface that shows the colour traits that you can change to mint your edition. Click a colour you want to edit and choose your preferred colours on the colour panel. Once you finish the editing, click the minting button.

3. Mint your edition

Confirm the minting transaction on your connected wallet to mint the edition. Once the transaction is successfully done, you will be able to see the NFT you minted on the collection page.

It will also be displayed on your dashboard.

In the edition page, your wallet address will be recognised as the owner.

Last updated